Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm not sure how much I can really say about my situation. It's hard to explain without some sort of precursor. I think that over time, I'll do some sort of Wizard And Glass, and it will probably stat making some sort of sense. 

I drove down to the bay today and spent some time with Holly. It was really good to see her before I leave for the weekend. I'm heading to Southern California to see my sister marry a racist pile of shit. That's a whole other paragraph or two to explain too...

Being in the bay felt fantastic. It was good to leave and it was good to get out of Sacramento. Recently, it's been massively smokey. And it's been oppressively hot. I was riding down to the record store (where I scored a great condition copy of the White Album), and I rode past a local bank and the LED lights told me at 9:30 P.M. it was a nearly retarded 90 degrees outside. So going to bay, getting away from the smoke, and needing to cuddle up with my lady felt great. I've been really down about this whole quitting thing though. I have desires, and I have things that I want to achieve very clearly in my mind. Getting there will be a different story. Quitting was a first step, the next one is finding a home and a job. But continuously, I've been writing. It's a big step forward for me, getting out of D4D mode, and into whatever it is I am now. I think mostly, the simplicity of our structures is what I've abandoned first. But I think some of the melodic capabilities I put into the band, I'm going to eliminate. I think there's a valid sense of hatred, heartache, and pain that needs to be exploited within myself through what I'm writing. It feels good to move forward. But it's scary jumping into a void, without direction. Without a direct goal. 

Now I'm at the airport. On their fantastically fast WiFi. And my flight just called out. I'll be writing soon...

1 comment:

Giirl said...

Update your blog, you piece of shit.

Love you.