Thursday, July 10, 2008

I think if there was ever a good time for me to be remotely serious about blogging about my life, it's now. 

For those of you who are randomly stumbling upon this. I'm Jason. I think I'm starting this blog as a sort of placeholder in my life. For the past 3 years I've been playing in a band called Dance For Destruction. Earlier this morning, I quit that band in order to pursue a few different things. 

I mostly quit because my heart wasn't honestly within the band anymore. Nothing personal, at all, I just think I grew somewhere else. I'm really interested in going back to school. And I'm also pretty hellbent on getting the fuck out of Sacramento and into the Bay Area. 

I hope I can actually maintain this blog unlike countless others. But maybe I will find the time and motivation to do so. I think my past experiences as a touring musician and ongoing struggle as a high school educated twenty-one year old should be sufficient in wasting time at work or home, and giving the creeps an inside look into my life. 

I think the most daunting of all things I've taken on today is the beginning of my search into the greater East Bay area for a job, and a home. I'm talking to my friend Ben (whom I toured with last summer) about the possibility of getting a two bedroom apartment in the Oakland area. I found a few prospects of jobs as well. I'm hoping for an email from a music store particularly. I think that my narcissism is sufficient for this evening. I'll write more soon. 

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