Friday, February 27, 2009

I leave today for tour. Sort of. We're playing in Portland. So I guess I leave tomorrow. But yeah. If anyone ever reads this, sorry for not updating. There's lots of shit going on in my life, but no one really cares, so why write about it!? So I guess technically, this is day one. I guess I should do some sort of like, tour journal. I'll probably write at night after the show, or in the morning after. So here's the deal so far.

It's 10:30 AM. I woke up around 6. Couldn't fall back asleep. Sat up, tried filling in a couple gaps in tour. So I was sending emails and researching. I smoked the 10th cigarette in my pack. Ironically, it was my 2nd to last. Since then, I've been watching random videos, reading a few dedicated blogs, and uploading movies, some last minute downloads, and the complete Harry Potter audio books onto my iPod for the hours in the van ahead of me.

Tour is a strange beast. I'm excited to leave. I'm scared of the results. I'm excited to have a homecoming. I'm scared of the constants.

Listen to Hot Water Music - "Already Roses".

Monday, January 19, 2009

I ran through storm stained city streets. Paved with pain to bring these roses to you. And with sore throat insecurity you pulled the thorns from my bleeding side. There were winter days spent in(sulking)side. Try to heat cold sheets jide allergy eyes...I'm now hanging out with destiny and begging it to get the best of me.

What else can I do?

Why do you read me like no one else?

Used to live headaches now they're somewhere else...We are handguns, angel, waiting to explode...We've lived cold lives but now we know. The sun may hide but the night is always there.

So don't anticipate. It's not worth the wait. What did you expect?

Status report: I've called it a day. There's a world of people, different than me.
Status report: I've lost my voice, trying to be heard over this noise.

Die young, or live forever? I'm just trying to get through the night. See there's this voice dragging me down.
Die young, or live forever? I'm just trying to refind my heart, it was always there just hard to see in the dark.

But you weren't even fucking looking.

Sleeping like there's no tomorrow.